Cruises to William Henry Bay

William Henry Bay, Alaska

Take a memorable Alaska cruise adventure to William Henry Bay, Alaska. Set sail to the breathtaking landscapes of William Henry Bay on your Alaskan cruise, a hidden gem nestled within the colossal mountain ranges of the Juneau region. This idyllic bay, named after a British Navy officer, is a testament to Alaska's diverse and untouched wilderness. It presents a captivating blend of pristine coastal landscapes, rich marine life, and lush old-growth rainforests, crafting a serene ambiance that truly defines Alaskan wilderness.

William Henry Bay unfolds as a quiet sanctuary of natural beauty from the decks of your cruise ship. Lush rainforests, cascading waterfalls, and rugged shorelines outline the bay, offering a constantly changing panorama of untamed Alaskan landscapes. The area's waters, known for their abundant marine life, often teem with playful seals, sea otters, and a plethora of fish species, adding a dynamic element to the serene environment. The peaks of the surrounding mountains, often capped with snow, offer a stunning contrast to the bay's deep blue waters.

Gain a profound understanding of Alaska's rich heritage through onboard educational and cultural lectures focusing on the Tlingit people, who have inhabited this region for thousands of years. These presentations shed light on their intricate art, spiritual traditions, and deep-seated respect for the land and sea. You'll learn about their subsistence lifestyle, hear their ancestral stories, and discover how their cultural practices have shaped their interactions with the environment, ultimately enriching your experience at William Henry Bay.

The scenic beauty of William Henry Bay

The majestic landscapes and thriving ecosystems of William Henry Bay offer ample opportunities for exceptional photography. Capture the dramatic contrast of snow-capped peaks against lush forests, or the sight of seals frolicking in the bay's serene waters. Unique shots can be taken of the area's diverse bird species, or the dazzling array of wildflowers that bloom in the warmer months. The shifting hues of twilight across the bay create a magical backdrop for unforgettable photographs.


William Henry Bay is a tableau of enchanting Alaskan landscapes, defined by towering mountain ranges, verdant rainforests, and the tranquil bay. From the ship, you can admire the dramatic interplay of the rugged shoreline against the serene water, punctuated by the striking sight of bald eagles soaring in the sky. The sight of whales breaching the surface in the distance, or a bear roaming along the shoreline, contributes to the area's natural appeal.


The waters and surrounding landscapes of William Henry Bay are home to a remarkable array of wildlife and marine life. From your ship, you may catch sight of seals, sea otters, and occasionally humpback whales navigating the bay. The forested shores serve as a habitat for a variety of wildlife, including brown bears, black-tailed deer, and wolves, while the skies are often graced with bald eagles, ravens, and other bird species.

Attractions and Activities

Venturing off the ship at William Henry Bay opens up a host of adventure opportunities. Guided hiking trails take you through verdant forests and alongside the rugged shoreline, providing an immersive wilderness experience. Kayaking or paddleboarding excursions offer a unique perspective of the bay and its teeming marine life. For the fishing enthusiasts, the bay's healthy fish population promises an engaging experience, while bird watchers can enjoy spotting a variety of bird species native to the area.

Best time to visit William Henry Bay

The prime time for visiting William Henry Bay on a cruise falls between May and September when the Alaskan climate is most favorable for outdoor activities. During these months, wildlife is generally more active, making it an ideal time for marine and wildlife viewing. The extended daylight hours provide more opportunities for exploration, and the stunning landscapes are particularly vibrant, adding to the overall experience.

William Henry Bay, Alaska Cruise Schedule 2024

As your voyage brings you to William Henry Bay, you'll be welcomed by an unforgettable scene of Alaska's stunning wilderness. Every view from the deck is a feast for the eyes, each adventure ashore a treasure for the spirit. Whether you're learning about Tlingit culture, exploring trails, or capturing the perfect photograph, this destination is a tribute to Alaska's unparalleled beauty and natural grandeur, promising to make your cruise experience truly extraordinary.